[理知논술/특목고 구술면접 대비]영어지문 제시형 구술면접

  • 입력 2006년 7월 18일 03시 05분

《영어지문 제시형은 문화, 역사, 경제, 생물, 환경, 과학, 사회, 지구과학, 교육, 상식, 시사 등의 다양한 주제가 다루어진다. 문장을 쉽게 이해하지 못하는 이유는 그 분야에 빈번하게 사용되는 어휘의 의미를 몰라서인 경우가 많다. 평소 영어 신문과 원서를 읽으면서 모르는 단어는 표시해 두고, 문장 안에서 단어를 외우도록 한다. 독해를 위한 어휘력은 그 분야, 그 주제에서 자주 사용되는 단어들을 그 원뜻과 그 은유적인 사용, 표현 방법 등과 함께 익혀 가야만 한다. 또 항상 어떤 분야, 어떤 이슈에 그 단어가 자주 사용되는가를 함께 생각하는 것도 중요하다. 단어의 의미를 추측해 보고 이해하고 문장을 만들어 보는 능동적이고 자기 주도적인 단어 학습 과정을 통해서 영어단어를 공부하면 효과를 거둘 수 있다.》

1. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 ‘r’로 시작되는 한 단어를 말하시오. (대/소문자 상관없음)

Ecology is the branch of science that deals with living things and how they relate to their environment. One of the laws of ecology is that everything must go somewhere. We are seldom aware of where things go, or where they came from. When we turn on a faucet for a drink of water, we may never think of the water's original source. In nature, there is no such thing as waste. Everything we throw away has to go somewhere. _________ is the most sensible way of disposing of waste. Paper companies chop down millions of trees to make wood pulp. Fewer trees would have to be cut down if used paper is turned into new paper. This can be expensive. Still, _________ is a sensible way to save resources. We must never forget that we have only one world. Our lands, water, and skies must be protected. We must try to stop pollution.

※ 다음 제시문을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.(2∼3)

A : _________ is a movement that calls upon groups of people with common interests and beliefs to form a nation-state and create an identity to that nation-state. But the future lies in an internationalist approach that stresses our common humanity, rather than emphasizing those small differences that have been used by nationalists to divide us. In particular, nationalism stands against the widespread establishment of human rights, as it places absolute national sovereignty above the individual rights of all citizens. This makes it impossible for the international community to protect properly the human rights of those living under oppression and dictatorship.

B : _________ causes ethnic violence through its narrative of racial superiority. This aspect of nationalism has caused numerous genocides, including the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, and the abysmal treatment of the United States' Native American population. This is the inevitable result of nationalism's focus upon definition - "we" are "us" because we are not like "them" - and so encouragement to exclusion and antagonism. This applies to groups both within the state, where "the other" is seen as both inferior and as a threat, and to other states with different ethnic and cultural traditions.

C : _________ is a sense of fellow-feeling between group members. This promotes cooperation and social cohesion within the group. According to Robert Reich, former US Secretary of Labor, that sense of social cooperation makes welfare, social security and medical programs much more likely and stronger. It also may make for a smoother political process when there is a solid basis for consensus. Societies with a healthy sense of nationalism are more likely to provide for each other and avoid the plight of poverty or poor health.

2. 위 제시문의 공통 소재이자 빈칸에 들어갈 한 단어를 본문에서 찾아 말하시오.

3. A와 B가 주장하는 내용을 30자 이내의 우리말로 요약하시오.

※ 다음 제시문을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.(4∼5)

Where shall we start? Where shall we begin? Shall we begin at the start, start at the beginning, start at the start or even begin at the beginning? The two verbs "start" and "begin" are like so many couples in the English language a really troublesome pair because of the problem of choosing the right one for the appropriate use and occasion. Take these two sentences for example:

"I've started to learn English and I've begun to learn English." Which one would you choose? Well, I have a theory about these verbs which I want to try out in order to test its validity. The difference really lies in the nature of the two words. "Begin" has a sense of leisure and "start" has the idea of urgency. They both obviously indicate the idea of commencing - don't ask me to explain that word's relationship with the pair, suffice it to say that it covers both meanings - but there is a difference in interpretation. "Start" gives the idea of suddenness. In fact, if you were sitting in a room and say half asleep and you were unaware that there was anybody else there, you would say if you unexpectedly heard or saw them:

"Oh, you did give me a start." or as an extension of the verb: "You started me." Then again you could say: "My car starts straightaway in the morning." If you said: "My car begins in the morning," people would wonder what it was going to do next. If you want to get on with a meeting because nobody is paying attention, you might say: "Shall we start?" And thus indicate that there is a lot to do and time is important. "Shall we begin?" is much more relaxed.

If you had to give the two verbs a personality, you might well describe start as "impetuous, decisive and efficient". Begin can perhaps be described as "relaxed, unhurried and good-natured". And that's probably where I'll have to finish or should I say _________? Now there's yet another irritating pair.

4. 위 글의 내용을 토대로 동사 start와 begin의 의미상의 유사성과 차이점을 설명하고, 두 개의 동사가 다음 예문에서 의미상 어떤 차이가 있는지 말해 보시오.

I've started to learn English.

I've begun to learn English.

5. 위 제시문은 미묘한 뜻의 차이를 지닌 동사들을 설명하고 있다. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 단어를 유추해 보고, 제시문의 뒤에 이어질 내용은 무엇일지 말해 보시오.

2006학년도 서울지역 외국어고등학교 기출문제 유형

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