[AG/english]Two Players of Choi Sung-kuk and Lee Un-jae

  • 입력 2002년 9월 23일 14시 26분

16 years after 86 Seoul Asian Game. The oldest player and youngest player of the national soccer team participating in 2002 Busan Asian Game have found a congenial spirit to remove a disgrace of ‘16 years no medal’.

With the Asian Game just before on, the soccer team will play a final game with Kuwait in Busan Gudeok Stadium at 7 p.m. on September 23.

The national soccer team beat UAE by a score of 1-0 in a game on September 20. It was a hard match because there was seldom goal in spite of a wild attach.

In the game, Lee Un-jae (29, Suwon Samsung) showed off his striking play. He defended well in a man-to-man fight with UAE in 27 minutes of the first half of the game, and He showed off his play as ‘World Cup Star‘.

He defended a shooting of Ali Masood and Abdulla Ali at 10 minutes and 11 minutes of the second half of the game. Then, he coped with an emergency owing to defense mistake with rapid judgment at 20 minutes. UAE had a change to win the goal, but he defended his shooting.

Lee Un-jae played an important role in a rear of the Asian Game Team. There was the problem on the organizing power of defense line, but he made good defect perfectly.

Ten years younger than Lee Un-jae, Choi Sung-kuk (19·Korea University) showed off his unique play and held a middle field after changed.

Choi Sung-kuk is only amateur player among representative players of Asian Game.

Park HangSeo, a director organized the team focused on pro players because of imminent time. But, he is exceptional because of his talent.

In the match with Kuwait, he will be a joker. He undertakes the rear striker in the Korea youth team. However, in the Asian Game Team, he will play the role of mid-fielder. He already showed off his successful play in the game with UAE.

In particular, he has the different play color with powerful shooting and brilliant dribble from other attackers. He will show off his powerful play in the Busan Asian Game.

Sung-Won Joo swon@donga.com

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