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[Editorial] To Become a Victory of Whole Nation and All Citizens

[Editorial] To Become a Victory of Whole Nation and All Citizens

Posted December. 20, 2002 22:36,   


President-elect Roh Moo-hyun promised to open a new era through dialog and harmony. Receiving a phone call from candidate Lee Hoi-chang of Grand National Party who lost the election, Roh said, "I am just a president of one half. The remaining half is for you, Mr. Lee." Roh`s remarks indicate how correctly he understands the reality.

This election was determined by some 570,000 votes out of the total 34,900,000 registered votes. In terms of percentage points, it was a 2.3% difference. However, it was demonstrated that the whole country was vertically divided in two by the regional preference for candidates, and horizontally divided by age groups taking the mid 40s as the cut-off line. Putting things into perspective, it was the victory of the half and the defeat of the other half.

Now, it`s time to elevate half`s victory into a victory of the whole nation and all citizens. As Mr. Roh pointed out, it is why dialog and harmony is important. His promise should not end up as another rhetoric. Kim Dae-jung administration also stressed harmony right after election. But, engulfed in the joy from monopoly of a winner, the Kim administration "encouraged" division and confrontation, rather than inducing harmony.

It should not be left to the goodwill of the people in power to correct the political culture justifying the joy of winner`s monopoly. In accordance with the idea of separation of powers in the Constitution, Roh should see to it that this nation runs off systems and laws. The Era of 70 Million`s Harmony, a promise made by Roh, will be realized only when the operation of this country is strictly based on principles of democracy.

It is natural and reasonable to prioritize all national agenda, and entail consensus before executing them. Only through dialog and harmony generated in the process, Roh could turn the division and confrontation into harmony and unity. Mr. Roh would not realize the "victory of the whole nation and all citizens," if he attempts to "size up" his political power by luring in more congressmen from other parties, or if he caters to populism in the name of social reform.

President-elect Roh himself acknowledged that his victory is that of one half. Keeping this in mind is the most important force that can sustain him through the long journey to harmony and unity.