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Kang Kyung-ho achieves unanimous decision win at UFC

Posted June. 13, 2022 07:52,   

Updated June. 13, 2022 07:52


Kang Kyung-ho (35, photo) gained his seventh win in the UFC stage, the world class mixed martial arts match.


On Saturday, Kang Kyung-ho won in the UFC 275 bantamweight match held in Singapore against Danaa Batgerel (33, Mongolia) with the unanimous decision by referees. As a result, Kang Kyung-ho won for the 7th time (3 losses) standing shoulder to shoulder against Jung Chan-sung (35, Featherweight division, 7 wins and 4 losses) better known as his ring name “The Korean Zombie.” The Korean fighter known for his biggest number of wins, Kim Dong-hyun (41, Welterweight division) with a score of 13 wins and four losses. Kim Dong-hyun did not participate in any UFC Octagon (eight angled ring) for five years since Jun. 2017.


Before this match, UFC described Kang Kyung-ho as the underdog and Danaa Batgerel as the top dog on its homepage. The gamblers or betting sites predicted Danaa Batgerel with a higher winning probability. Danaa Batgerel recorded 12 wins and three losses in the mixed martial art matches right before the match against Kang Kyung-ho. Among the 12 wins, Danaa Batgerel won boasted his strong punches, winning seven out of the 12 matches in the first round.


However, against all the predictions of inferiority, Kang Kyung-ho once again proved himself as a strong person in bantamweight division in Singapore stage where he reported his first UFC win. Kang Kyung-ho who debuted as of March 2013 to UFC, recorded his first win in Jan. the following year against Shunichi Shimizu (37, Japan) by getting submission. After beating Danaa Batgerel, Kang Kyung-ho said, “I will make a comeback in a better shape in the next match.”
