“Wuhan pneumonia,” caused by a novel coronavirus, is showing signs of wide outbreak across the world, with the first U.S. case confirmed and infections spreading across China.
According to Reuters News on Tuesday, the United States Center for Disease Control confirmed that a resident near Seattle, Washington was diagnosed with the Wuhan pneumonia after visiting Wuhan, China He is now under treatment since returning to the U.S. last Wednesday. It is the first confirmed case outside Asia.
The Chinese Center for Disease Control announced Wednesday that the number of confirmed cases grew to 440 (including Taiwan), meaning that around 130 cases increased in just one day. Confirmed patients were found across 13 cities and provinces across the nation. When including suspected patients, the number of potentially infected areas would include 21 cities and provinces, accounting for 68% of China’s 31 cities and provinces. Against this backdrop, Macao also confirmed its first confirmed case on the day. Also the number of deaths increased from six to nine in China. With 1,394 people who had close contract with the patients put under medical observation, the number of patients is expected to increase.
The Chinese New Year Day (Jan. 25), which more than 450 million out of 1.4 billion Chinese travel, is expected to be a turning point of the epidemic. The Chinese authorities have urged people to stop travelling in and out of Wuhan.
Wan-Jun Yun zeitung@donga.com · Ae-Jin Ju jaj@donga.com