“One day I want to make a comic based on Seoul,” said comics writer Amy Chu (aged 50, photo), who participated in the making of Ant-man and Dreadful, the original stories of the movie Marvel. She was interviewed by the Dong-A Ilbo at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on Aug 29. A Chinese-American, she visited Seoul to participate the CCF 2018 held for two days starting on August 28 as a committee member for the Corea Image Communication Institute (headed by Choi Jung-hwa). She is also the founder of Alpha Girl Comics, which publishes comics for women.
It was a great challenge for her to work at Marvel Comics and DC Comics, because in the U.S. comics industry, women comic writers are perceived to prefer works featuring cute characters. “I wanted to show that women writers can create male characters and compelling stories,” she said.
Amy Chu founded Alpha Girl Comics in 2011 to expand opportunities for women comic writers. She set up a principle that more than half of the characters and participating writers should be women. “In Hollywood movies, women characters tend to focus on sexual appeal. Women characters in comic films should display diverse and distinctive characters,” she said.
Kyu-Jin Shin newjin@donga.com