Posted November. 17, 2005 07:58,
The National Assembly passed an appointment motion on three Supreme Court justices nominees Kim Hwang-sik, Park Si-hwan and Kim Ji-hyeong in its plenary session yesterday.
With 272 of the 299-member parliamentary present, lawmakers put the motion to a secret ballot. For Kim Hwang-sik, there were 243 votes in favor of it, 22 against, one abstention, and six null and void. For Kim Ji-hyeong, there were 234 votes in favor, 33 against, and five invalid.
The motion on Park Si-hwan, who has been at the center of controversy due to his former career in which he served as an attorney for President Roh Moo-hyuns impeachment case, was passed with 159 in favor, 104 against, two abstentions, and seven invalid despite the Grand National Party (GNP)s opposition. In order to pass an appointment motion on Supreme Court Justice-designate, half of 299 lawmakers should attend a plenary meeting and among them, half of the lawmakers should be in favor of it.
After receiving appointment letters from President Roh Moo-hyun on November 21, they will kick off their official duties as Supreme Court Justices (their terms of office: six years).
The National Assembly also recommended lawyer Park In-je, who was recommended by the GNP to a Korea Independent Commission against Corruptions commissioner.