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Scan QR codes to learn how to use riverside parks along Han River

Scan QR codes to learn how to use riverside parks along Han River

Posted May. 21, 2021 07:23,   

Updated May. 21, 2021 07:23


Seoul City announced on Thursday that 169 QR codes will be installed to provide easy access to information on riverside parks along the Han River for citizens and visitors.

QR codes will be applied near 21 locations including famous spots and oft-used facilities such as interchanges and elevators. The city authorities plan to post them on the wall. Otherwise, they intend to set up post structures with QR codes on them.

Seoul City will have QR codes installed around tourist attractions, convenience facilities, plazas and other popular public space. Being as large as 15cm * 15cm, they are easy-to-read visual installations that can give easy access to citizens. Since late last month, the Seoul metropolitan government has started installing QR codes at interchanges with a heavy flow of visitors with the goal of getting the project finished by late June.  

“The QR code system, once put in place, will allow citizens to use riverside parks along the Han River safely and conveniently,” said Song Young-min, head of the city government’s division in charge of riverside parks. “We will keep finding ways to increase citizens’ conveniences.”

Seng-Hyun Kang byhuman@donga.com