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Priest sprays holy water from squirt gun

Posted May. 19, 2020 07:47,   

Updated May. 19, 2020 07:47


An American priest is attracting attention for blessing the Easter baskets while maintaining “social distancing” during the coronavirus pandemic, said The Detroit News on Sunday.

On April 12, the Reverend Timothy Pelc waited for his parishioners at the St. Ambrose Church in Grosse Pointe Park in the U.S. state of Michigan, wearing a mask, face shield and rubber gloves. He shot holy water into parishioners’ Easter baskets as they arrived in their cars. The Roman Catholic Church has a tradition of blessing baskets of bread and flowers during the Holy Week.

The St. Ambrose Church said it introduced a drive-through Easter blessing to maintain the tradition while following the social distancing rule.

Speaking to BuzzFeed, Father Timothy Pelc said he wanted to do something for kids who “were about ready to have an Easter unlike any of their past” while observing all the protocols of social distancing, adding that he consulted with his friend who is a doctor. However, the Catholic priest said he was worried about how the Vatican would react as the pictures of him spraying holy water has gone viral across the world.
