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Income of Spieth’s caddie already nears 1 million dollars

Income of Spieth’s caddie already nears 1 million dollars

Posted July. 16, 2015 07:24,   


Jordan Spieth (22) of the U.S. has garnered four wins including two consecutive major titles in the U.S. PGA tour this season, raking in 8.7 million US dollars in overall prize money. Amid his stellar performance, his caddie Michael Greller (37) is also envied for his high earnings by people around him.

According to U.S. media outlets Business Insider and USA Today, Greller earned 866,534 dollars through last week in this year. Caddies in the PGA tour usually receive a bonus on top of monthly base salary of 1,000 dollars. If the golfer passes the preliminary round, the caddie is paid 5 percent of the prize money, and if the golfer joins the top 10 players, the caddie gets 7 percent, and if the golfer wins a title, the caddie receives 10 percent. Greller’s income is equivalent to that of the golfer ranking 92nd in overall prize money rankings of this season’s PGA tour. Golfers who have earned less than Greller number a total of 159, including Noh Seung-yeol (680,000 dollars), and Choi Kyung-joo (370,000 dollars).

Griller is expected to see his income continue to rise because a string of major events, including the British Open that opens on Thursday, are set to take place in succession. USA Today said ‘it is a matter of time before his income surpasses 1 million dollars.’ Steve Williams, the caddie for Tiger Woods during the golfer’s zenith in career in 2007, earned 1.2 million dollars per year.

Until two years ago, Greller served as math teacher for a high school. In the state of Washington where he worked, the annual salary for a teacher with 15-year experience amounts to 77,498 dollars, and he has seen a bonanza since changing his job.