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11,308 Reduced College Enrollees

Posted September. 29, 2005 03:05,   


From 2005, a total of eight national universities will be merged into four – Chonnam National University-Yosu National University, Kangwon National University-Samcheok National University, Pusan National University-Miryang National University, and Chungju National University-Chongju National College of Science and Technology, and they will accept freshmen under the names of the changed schools.

The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development announced its finalized “University Restructuring Plan” on September 28, defining the reform policies for the mergers of national universities and certain urban colleges.

According to the announcement, in return for a reduction of 11,308 incoming students until 2007, funds of 204.9 billion won will be granted until 2008.

In compliance with the merger, 2,444 students from the freshmen class will be curtailed as of 2006, as well as three presidents, one dean, two chief officers, five superintendents, and five directors. The undergraduate system will be cut to two colleges and two graduate schools.

Fifteen universities such as Seoul National, Korea, Yonsei, Sungkyunkwan, Hanyang, KyungHee, Ewha Womans, Inha University, and others have been selected for specialization front-runners in the structural reform, and will receive support in lieu of reduced enrollments.

The total reduction for the specialization structural reform up to 2007 will add up to 8,864 students (3,544 for national universities and 5,320 for private universities).

These colleges will remove 51 majors, eight faculties, seven colleges, and 10 graduate schools. Chungbuk National University, in particular, has submitted a bold specialization plan that will revise 59 majors and nine faculties into 38 majors and 17 faculties, consolidating the biotechnology and information technology fields.

The Ministry of Education is planning to fund the merger with 49.9 billion won this year, 124.9 billion won until 2008, and 80 billion won for the structural reform front-runner national and private universities until 2008.

Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Education, Chungnam National University-Kongju National University, Kangnung National University-Wonju National College are currently pending mergers and for the Kangwon areas, local governments are pursuing a “One National University Per One District” system.

Seong-Chul Hong sungchul@donga.com