Posted April. 01, 2005 23:39,
It seems that in the Grand National Party (GNP), not a single day passes without clashes among party factions. Now, its extent is getting extreme. Two days ago, a party standing committee meeting was held to decide on the early national convention. The mood in the meeting was said to be quite ugly as leading members and young members offensively criticized each other, using harsh words, such as traitor and impeachment.
Not only that, over a period of less than a year with the new party system led by Park Geun-hye, disputes between pro-Park and anti-Park have not subsided at all. Not many changes have been seen in their discussions regarding how to deal with disputed bills during the special session of the National Assembly this year. Pro-reform members and conservatives are in a heated dispute over the passage of the abolition of the national security law, while the capital split issue divides the party into two groups as well. Furthermore, they have not yet reached an agreement regarding the extent to which the authority of the innovation committee, which the party grouped to offer measures for party innovation, should be allowed. Though all these problems remain unsolved, the party is busy only in creating discord.
Given that inside the GNP there exist various differences between regions and generations along with extensive ideological scopes, such as conservatives, middle-roaders and reformists, it is highly natural that more than one voice is heard. However, shouldnt they have to follow a united stream or plot? Without a solid party platform to serve as the leading opposition party, until when will it drift and until when will it be referred to as a party in confusion, a party that likes to find only faults, or a party without identity?
Despite the impeachment of the president last year, the South Korean public allowed the GNP 121 seats, expecting that the party would serve a reasonable alternative to contain the ruling partys arrogation and running alone. However, the GNP has since been dragged by the ruling party instead. Any alternatives or strife consciousness are nowhere to be found. It is the partys incompetency, lethargy, and irresponsibility that make people turn their backs.
Now, the GNP has to break itself free from the fruitless clarity competing and image politics. It needs to compete with the ruling party over how to make peoples lives better. For how long will it continue to break dishes before preparing one decent meal for the people?