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National Assembly Determines Kim Han-gil and Kim Tae-hwan Guilty

National Assembly Determines Kim Han-gil and Kim Tae-hwan Guilty

Posted December. 01, 2004 22:51,   


The Special Committee on Ethics in the Korean National Assembly determined that Kim Han-gil of the Uri Party and Kim Tae-hwan of the Grand National Party had “breached the code of ethics,” through an ethics hearing held on December 1.

This infringement decision through an ethics or disciplinary hearing is the first instance of the sort since the inception of the committee in 1991.

The Ethics Committee decided upon the breach of the two assemblymen by drawing upon the relevant facts and a subsequent vote. Eight out of 15 votes determined the guilt of Assemblyman Kim Han-gil, while nine votes determined that Kim Tae-hwan had infringed the code of ethics.

The Ethics Committee will close the case by formally announcing the decision to the two assemblymen and plenary session of the National Assembly. As the current decision of infringement is of ethics rather than a disciplinary hearing, the two assemblymen will not be placed under separate disciplinary measures. Kim Han-gil was recently found to have obtained 100 million won from a corporation in 2000 that was used in public survey operations. The prosecution closed the case, as it had exceeded the statute of limitations of three years. Kim Tae-hwan was referred to the committee after assaulting a guard at a golf course in September.

Min-Hyuk Park mhpark@donga.com