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`Narrower Employment Gate` For College Graduates

Posted July. 27, 2001 08:15,   


It is likely to be hard for the college graduates to find jobs in the second half of this year.

According to `the 2001 second half college graduates employment forecast` released by Yonsei University yesterday, the available job positions for the college graduates amount to about 73,000, but the applicants for the job reach about 430,000 in the second half of this year. Hence, the report forecasted that the competitive rate would be only 1 out 6.

Kim Nong-Ju, the director of employment department in Yonsei University, announced the worsened employment situation in the report containing the results of the research on the personnel managers of 181 companies for the last five months. Kim mentioned that the companies are reluctant to recruit the new employees due to the worsened financial difficulty of the venture companies, the reduction of facility investment of the large companies, and the slump of the semiconductor and memory industries.

The report forecasted the employment prospect by business sector, comparing to the weather are as follows; `stormy` venture industry, the `rainy` foundational investment for publication and semiconductor industries, the `cloudy` banks, stocks, and shipbuilding industries, the information technology industry `intersecting cloudy and clear weathers`, and the `clear` distribution of computer and software industries.

The report anticipated that the domestic conglomerates plan to restrictively recruit the new employees, and the foreign companies are likely to increase the number of the employment from the second half but most companies will recruit just small number of new employees. Consequently, the difficulty in employment will not be resolved in general.

Director Kim pointed out that ``in the second half, the companies will prefer the persons with good Grade Point Average (GPA) in the college and the competent persons with experiences in the business field. And the companies plan to extend the interview process, and they will favor the workers who are proficient in Vietnamese and Chinese language for the 2008 Beijing Olympics``.

The number of job applicants totaled about 430,000 this year, combining the 260,000 persons who failed to find a job last year, and the 170,000 expectant college graduates.
