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Disgraced Prosecutor Resigns in Quiet Ceremony

Posted July. 18, 2009 08:14,   


The head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office Chun Sung-gwan yesterday left his position after President Lee Myung-bak withdrew Chun’s candidacy for prosecutor-general.

Chun appeared at his retirement ceremony in the morning. His nomination for prosecutor-general was pulled after his unethical deeds were brought up at his parliamentary confirmation hearings.

Some 20 staff kept outsiders out of the conference room 10 minutes before the ceremony, but small brawls erupted with reporters. Chun wanted a closed-door ceremony because of his disgraceful exit.

He emerged from his office on the same floor of the conference room at 10:35 a.m. and entered the room, leaving the comment “I’m sorry” to reporters.

Three deputy heads of the prosecutors’ office and 25 senior and 16 mid-level prosecutors attended the ceremony.

In a statement distributed to reporters before the ceremony, Chun said, “I deeply apologize to the public and prosecution for causing trouble and concern at the confirmation hearings. I have nobody but myself to blame.”

After the eight-minute ceremony, Chun went directly to a briefing room on the same floor to shake hands with prosecutors and staff. After that, he took a picture with senior prosecutors.

A retirement ceremony for a chief prosecutor is normally held in an auditorium with all prosecutors and employees attending, and a photo op usually takes place in front of the front door of the prosecutors’ office.

At 11 a.m., senior prosecutors lined up at the front door of the first floor to see off Chun. All remained tight-lipped and wore grave expressions. When he appeared on the first floor where reporters stood by, prosecutors gave him a round of applause.

Chun shook hands with deputy chief prosecutors who followed him, looked around at other prosecutors and reporters, and got into a car after saying, “Thank you.”

Rain suddenly began pouring down, providing a fitting backdrop for senior prosecutors who let Chun go. The car carrying Chun left the prosecutors’ office amid applause.
