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Fierce Competition Expected in April General Elections

Posted January. 01, 2008 03:24,   


According to an estimate by the Dong-A Ilbo, around 1,830 people are preparing to run in the upcoming April 9 general elections to compete for 243 parliamentary seats.

An average of 7.5 candidates is expected to run in the election in each constituency. The Dong-A Ilbo computed the number of potential candidates with the help of the list of candidates registered in the National Election Commission and each political party’s own lists of their likely candidates. The competition rate is, however, likely to rise as the registration period draws to a close because quite a few politicians are still weighing the possibility of being nominated for their preferred electorate by their party.

Competition will be most fierce in Busan Jin-gap and Cheonan Eul, where a total of 18 candidates are expected to run in the election, respectively. On the contrary, only two candidates have registered, respectively, in Seocho Gap, Songpa Gap and Songpa Eul, strongholds of the Grand National Party.

The competition rates will likely be 6 to 1 in Seoul, 5.6 to 1 in Busan, 10.1 to 1 in Gwangju, and 11.3 to 1 in Daejeon.

The Grand National Party, which won the 18th presidential election, is aiming to gain the majority of seats in the National Assembly with an aim to establish a strong foundation for the new administration.

The United New Democratic Party is hoping to reverse the crushing defeat in the December 19 presidential election with the slogan of “Checks and Balances.”

sys1201@donga.com mindy@donga.com