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U.S. Disciplines North Korean Missile Export Entity

Posted September. 30, 2004 21:45,   


It was discovered on Wednesday that the U.S. banned a North Korean missile export entity, Changgwang Sinyong Corporation, from supplying the U.S. government and revoked its permission to export. This is due to the company’s selling of technology and equipments related to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including missiles to Iran.

The U.S. Department of State announced through the Official Gazette that the penalties were effective from September 23.

Restraint orders were given to 12 other entities and individuals of China, India, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and Belarus, in addition to Changgwang Sinyong Corporation.

The U.S. Department of State’s spokesman Richard Boucher said in a briefing, “We have information to believe that these entities or private firms have provided Iran with equipments necessary for producing weapons, including WMD and cruising or ballistic missiles.”

Boucher added, “Restraint orders have effect only on the related entities and individuals and not on the countries or governments.”

Soon-Taek Kwon maypole@donga.com