Posted August. 08, 2004 22:22,
Some residents in the Chungnam Yongi-Gongju area, which has been practically finalized as the new capital site, are going to be one of the parties to file a New Administrative Capital Special Laws Unconstitutionality Petition to the Constitutional Court.
Lawyer Lee Seog-yeon, a representative of the petitioners, said on August 8,Over a hundred people in the area, mostly members of a certain genealogy in Yongi, object to the relocation plan and expressed their interest in participating in filing the petition. Mr. Lee also added, They will be a proper party.
He claimed, These people cannot move freely because of the relocation, and the level of compensation for their properties from the government is too little compared to the market prices of neighboring areas. There is a high possibility that an infringement of the right of property has occurred, adding, In this case, the right of residence and movement, and the right of property, which are guaranteed in the constitution, have been clearly damaged, so they are qualified to be a proper party for this petition.
A proper party is an entity who joins the lawsuit in favor of one of the two involved parties.
In the meantime, upon receiving the request for a written opinion from the constitutional court, Cheong Wa Dae, in President Roh Moo-hyuns name, appointed eight lawyers from the Tae Pyung Yang (The Pacific) law firm, including lawyer Ga Jae hwan, as legal representatives for the Presidential Committee on Administrative Capital Relocation. The representatives notified the court that they will submit their written opinion by August 13.