Posted May. 05, 2003 21:48,
A faction of the ruling Japanese Liberal Democratic Party recently proposed an amendment to the current Constitution of Japan, under which the Japanese can rearm themselves. The bill stipulates that the Japanese Emperor is the head of state, and adopts the "Hinomaru" and "Kimigayo" as Japan`s national flag and anthem.
In this respect, we as South Koreans cannot hold in our concern for Japan`s latest decision. In addition, the bill authorizes the Prime Minister to put the whole nation on alert in the name of national security, and provides that all Japanese have the legal obligation to defend the country. All the words and suggestions in the bill remind us of the Imperial Japan we experienced 56 years ago.
Japanese right-wingers are taking advantage of the Iraq War and the North Korean nuclear crisis as justification for revising their Constitution- allegedly to beef up national security. The current Constitution limits the authorities of the Japanese Self-Defense Force in various ways. Right-wingers, therefore, point out that the limitations hinder Japan from properly coping with nuclear tension on the Korean Peninsula. The North matter is temporary in nature, while their argument is for permanent action. Thus, we feel their real intent lies somewhere else.
For now, on the surface, Liberal Democrats are leading the way. In substance, the move has received support from all Japanese political quarters, except for some leftists. That is why it does not feel it a one-time attempt for change. Fortunately, the majority of Japanese citizens do not seem to support their cause, and therefore it is doubtful whether the bill will pass in the final vote.
Japan, after losing World War II, adopted the current Constitution which advocates peace, and the adoption relieved Japan of heavy defense expenditures and helped it achieve economic advances. Ever since the country achieved a certain level of economic power, it has showed its desire of rearming itself and advancing to the status of a military world power. Originally, Liberal Democrats planned to amend the Constitution by the end of next year. With right-wingers winning more and more support, they have shorted the schedule. Neighboring countries however are concerned with the move.
The move brewing up in Japan is "anti-historic." Over the past half century, Japanese leaders have not apologized for their wrongdoings during World War II. Now, however, Japan is attempting to rearm itself, which will only call for a fierce arms race in Northeast Asia, and threatens peace in the region. Creating another source of conflict will not benefit Japan at all. Japan should awaken out of their imperial reminiscence