Posted December. 06, 2001 09:17,
Responding to the rejection of Prosecutors General Shin Seung-Nam to present in the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly, Grand National Party submitted an Impeachment proposal to the Congress while New Millennium Democratic Party decided to block the deliberation of the proposal in the Assembly.
GNP indicated that the first reason for the impeachment is because Mr. Shin did not stand politically neutral as a Prosecutors General. However, NMDP criticized GNP for its plan to paralyze the Prosecution to debilitate the government authority before the Presidential election next year. In other words, NMDP argues that the impeachment is only a political aggression. Therefore, both ayes and nays on the impeachment are all based on the `political reasons`.
It may not be appropriate to conclude who is right and who is wrong based on the `political assertions` about this issue. Rather, the moves of the public sentiments on Prosecutor General have to be recognized. The majority of the people want Prosecutor General to resign from his office. However, Prosecutor General Shin even refused to present himself to the National Assembly that was decided by the two opposition parties, to say nothing of the self-resignation. Hence, there is no definite reason ` to prevent ` the impeachment by the legal process of the National Assembly law.
Prosecutor General Shin wrote `the neutrality and independence of the Prosecution` as reasons why he could not present himself as a witness in the `Absence letter` to the Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly. The testimony of the Prosecutor General, in his opinion, may damage the independence of the Prosecution.
However, the validity for the absence to persuasive to the public is questionable. The very reason why the Prosecutor General became a subject of controversies about impeachment testifies to the lack of the neutrality and independence of the Prosecution, as shown in the series of cover-ups of the various Gates and the related biased investigation and the shameful consecutive retirements of higher prosecutors in relation to corruption cases.
It would be very unfortunate if the Prosecutor General is impeached and the duty of Prosecution is suspended until the final decision is made by the Constitutional Court of Korea. However, it would be more hazardous to the national interest if the parties are to be absorbed in a do-or-die struggle, ignoring the deliberation of various bills and budgets that are directly related to the public welfare. The president of the National Assembly must treat the impeachment bill according to the National Assembly law. The assent or rejection of the United Liberal Democrats or the approval or rejection of the bill are not the substantial matter. The point is that the chaotic scene stimulated by the unreasonable trick violating the National Assembly law should not be seen in the National Assembly any more.