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Scooter Hand-Break Install Mandatory from July.

Posted May. 24, 2001 08:46,   


A safety standard for fake eyelashes is upgraded and production of toys which do not pass a safety test is to be banned from July.

Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy announced on 24th that current 18 subjects of the safety test has increased to 29 subjects as the test standard become more strict.

The test standard for lead, arsenic, and cadmium of fake eyelashes has also elevated to the international level, because fake eyelashes are to be pasted on eyebrows, a sensitive body part.

The new standard has made installing of hand-break to scooters mandatory. It also has let scooter manufacturers post a warning that says `riding a scooter on a steep slope is illegal.`

The new standard also made it clear that BB Guns, a dangerous air gun, can only be sold at specially designated shops.

Kim Sang-Chul sckim007@donga.com