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If N. Korea reins itself in, it will help ease sanctions, says Minister Park Jin

If N. Korea reins itself in, it will help ease sanctions, says Minister Park Jin

Posted August. 19, 2022 07:52,   

Updated August. 19, 2022 07:52


“If North Korea carries out grave provocations such as by conducting the 7th nuclear test, the South will put the individuals and companies involved in the production and the development of their weapons of mass destruction on our own sanctions list,” said South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin (pictured) in an interview with The Dong-A Ilbo on Wednesday, adding the ministry will review a step to strengthen sanctions in cyber, maritime and exports control.

The U.S. State Department also said the sanctions on North Korea will be maintained unless the North fundamentally changes its approach and behaviors.

“North Korea’s refraining from the nuclear test would be construed as a gesture of sincerity (for denuclearization),” Minister Park added. “If Pyongyang refrains itself from making serious provocations for a certain period of time, Seoul will have consultations with the U.S. and other stakeholders for potential exemptions.” This remark reflects that Seoul might make a proactive effort to draw concessions on Pyongyang’s sanctions such as by instituting the resources-food exchange program.

About China’s defiance on three agendas (additional THAAD deployments, integration into America’s missile defense system, tripartite military alliance with the U.S. and Japan) as well as the restriction on the operation of THAAD systems that have already been deployed, Minister Park said it is just a general stance of China. During the foreign ministerial meeting between Seoul and Beijing on August 9, the Chinese side said the three items of disapproval reflects the ‘stance of the Moon Jae-in administration.’ When asked about the issue of Japan’s forced labor victims, Minister Park said the ministry is actively reviewing a measure to meet them in person for direct dialogues.

Jin-Woo Shin niceshin@donga.com · Na-Ri Shin journari@donga.com