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Anonymous senior donates 150 million won for people in need

Anonymous senior donates 150 million won for people in need

Posted November. 04, 2021 07:24,   

Updated November. 04, 2021 07:24


An anonymous senior woman has donated over 100 million won to be used for those in need, including seniors living alone.

A female senior that appeared to be in her 80s visited the Social Affairs Department of Seoul Gangnam District Office on Thursday afternoon. “I’d like to make a donation to senior citizens living alone or other people in need,” she said. “Of course, please give me a moment,” said Kim Ki-seip, an officer at the district office.

As Kim went to retrieve the documents, the donator disappeared, leaving only a white envelope in her place. When Kim opened it, it contained a check of 15,225,0367 won, the largest amount to be donated by an individual in the district. “We had donations of several 1,000 won bills stuffed in small boxes or piggy banks by anonymous donators, but it is the first time we have received such a large amount,” said Kim.

Kim immediately followed the donator, tracking her down in a street nearby and asked her to at least give her name. “I will not donate the money if I have to tell my name,” she said. “Please don’t ask.”. Kim had no other choice but to look on as she boarded the bus at the station.

The Gangnam District Office is considering using the money via Gangnam Welfare Foundation to help nearby neighbors in need. “It is very moving to witness such kindness when a lot of people are struggling in these difficult times,” said Jeong Soon-gyun, head of Gangnam District Office. “We will put the money to good use to help those in need, honoring the wishes of the donator.”

Netizens applauded the gesture, leaving comments such as “The donator using the bus, instead of driving her own car, shows how diligently she saved the money to help others instead of using it on her own needs,” “Please use the money for a good cause as she asked to.”
