I once dreamed of producing a film regarding time travel. Every time a series of brilliant ideas popped up, I gave myself a pat on the head in great excitement and thrill. Several years of writing got me an enough amount of content to write a long-length novel. Ready to pen a fantastic plot the desk, I happened to come across the film “About Time.”
Time Lake, a 21-year-old man who lives on the southwest coast of Britain, is struck speechless by a family secret told by his father about the ability of men in family to travel in time. They only go travel back in time but not into the future. The only thing to do so is to clench his fists with his eyes shut in a closet. Proving it true, Tim intends to make easy money. His father gently discourages him not to. His grandfather used to be a rich man but a friendless poor loner. His uncle also wasted his life. His father’s message to Tim is to consider how to make better use of the magical ability. Tim does not take advantage of it for the sake of fortune and fame. Once he makes tweaks to the past, he only sees the consequences, which makes him careful. Tim falls in love with a woman to lead a happy married life with two children. One day, his father gives Tim a lifetime lesson on the key to happiness: Spend a typical day and go back to live it again by appreciating the beauty of the world that has not been appreciated for the first day due to nervousness and worries.
One of the impressive scenes is where Tim accepts and smiles even at the difficulties that he has found suffocating at his first try as his father advises. His smiley face is contagious. As a time traveler, Tim comes to a precious conclusion that it does not take time travel to lead a happy life. He stops going back in time as he realizes that the key to happiness is to be thankful for what goes around him and let himself stay part of his life. As if he traveled in time, he only enjoys every single moment to the fullest.
No matter how hard things are on me, it is the second chance given to me to live better. It only is another same day so there is no reason for being nervous and worried. Today is the moment to appreciate the beauty of the world. That is a lesson learned.