Posted September. 16, 2006 03:50,
Kwon O-sik (58), director of Incheon Bupyeong Support Center for Merchants and Industrialists, went to a private institute after work three times a week for five months in preparation for a qualifying examination for management consultants on September 3.
For Kim, in his 50s, studying at night for three hours each time was not easy. He even had a nosebleed at home while reviewing what he had learned.
The exam results have not been announced yet. However, he has already begun attending a private institute twice a week for the licensed real estate agent examination.
He said, I prepared for the management consultant test for livelihood after retirement at the end of this year. I am studying to become a licensed real estate agent in order to tap into the knowledge and experience I earned while working at a bank.
People who are going to retire soon or self-employed people in their 50s are crowding private institutes for qualifying examinations to prepare for their second lives. These days, many people retire at the age of 45, and the population is aging. Accordingly, they are struggling to survive. There is nothing strange about gray-haired men in their 50s studying along with young people.
According to the Korea Land Corporation, out of those who passed the real estate license exam, the ratio of 50s doubled from 5.3 percent in 1985, the first year of the exam, to 10.7 percent in 2005
The number of subscribers of Career ( who are in their 50s increased from 8,800 in 2003 to 12,610 last year.