Posted May. 13, 2004 21:22,
Regarding the development of bunker buster, a mini-nuke used for destroying underground bunkers, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld revealed on Wednesday that, There is a need to study this matter since the trend of building underground military facilities as seen in the typical case of North Korea is increasing.
To the question Isnt the budget for underground nuclear weapons going way further than just a simple research? by Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee hearing on this day, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld answered, North Korea, Iran, and other countries are building military facilities underground and as a countermeasure, we give priority to conventional methods, however, it is also worth studying additional methods (such as bunker buster).
However, he said, At this stage, the research hasnt progressed far enough to decide upon its development, and added, We have only decided to find whether or not it would be plausible. We will report when it will be at the stage of development, and Congress will make decisions (on the development).
Regarding this issue, Sen. Feinstein said, Physicists say there is no way to shoot through 240 m to 300 m underground and prevent nuclear fallout, and doubted the possibility of bunker buster development that gives no radioactive damages above ground while only destroying underground military facilities.