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Illegal Practice of Election Campaign to be Punished during Campaign Time

Illegal Practice of Election Campaign to be Punished during Campaign Time

Posted April. 01, 2004 22:54,   


Acting President Goh Kun remarked on April 1, “I will allow the judicial procedure to be imposed on the election law offenders even within the election campaign period.”

“Though an offender wins an election, I will not look on with indifference and permit him or her to complete most of his or her term of office despite his or her blunder in the election campaign,” focused Goh.

In his address to the public, “Appeal to the people at the time of 17th National Parliament Election,” which was held at the central government office in Seoul on this day, Goh stated, “I regard this as an excellent chance to cut off the vicious circle of corrupted elections in order to accomplish the renovation of the elections.”

In accordance with this address, “I do not belong to the leading party or the opposition parties. That is, I can manage this election to become the most impartial election in Korea’s history,” assured Goh, adding, “I will exercise all of my rights granted by the constitution to lead this upcoming election to be the most fairest and justifiable election.”

He added, “The government employers in the central and local areas should maintain their own neutral position. Any participation or support to a certain party will be strictly punished,” pointing out the political neutrality of the government employers.

“After April 2, when the official election period starts, any illegal meeting or demonstration will be prevented, and the relevant participants will be judicially punished. This principle will not be altered,” remarked Goh.

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com