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Imbalanced Promotion Discourages Public Servants

Posted January. 07, 2004 22:54,   


The Grand National Party (GNP) and the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) criticized Cheong Wa Dae over Wednesday’s massive promotion of high ranking executive officials as “imbalanced appointments disregarding law and procedures.”

Gu Sang-Chan, vice spokesperson of the GNP, harshly commented, “On the surface, the government is emphasizing a balanced and fair system and procedures, but in fact, it is ignoring even the law to favor people who are on its side.”

Kim Yeong-chan, vice spokesperson of the MDP said, “This kind of unfair promotion will give a sense of loss to general public servants and discourage them.” He also urged, “The government should withdraw its promotion immediately and set a good example of observing law and procedures as a superior government agency.”

Myoung-Gun Lee gun43@donga.com