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Hee Seop Choi of the Chicago Cubs Has Come Back to His Team.

Hee Seop Choi of the Chicago Cubs Has Come Back to His Team.

Posted June. 17, 2003 21:43,   


The Cubs` first baseman suffered a concussion a week ago in a collision with teammate Kerry Wood. Yesterday, he warmed himself up on the Wrigley Field infield.

Yesterday morning, his team doctor Steven Adams and North Western University Medial Center doctors said OK to his resumption of training. He`ll have another medical exam on Monday, and should return to the team on Tuesday to begin preparation for his return from the disabled list a week from Monday.

Choi will be put on a special program, gradually heightening the toughness of the training. His personal gear including bats and helmets has already been sent to Cincinnati where he might have his "return debut." He will practice both of batting and catching. In order to prevent a worst situation, he will wear his helmet even out in the field as first baseman.

Still it is not certain when he will exactly play back with the Cubs. His doctors advised him to take a couple of games in the minor leagues. Thus, he is expected to play with the Iowa Cubs in the Triple A.

Nonetheless, he might be able to make his comeback against Milwaukee Brewers on June 25th. Cubs manager Baker applauded Choi and said, "We really want to see him back in the very near future. He is the player who really loves baseball."

In the meanwhile, Semi Sosa, who was banned for seven games for his use of corked bat, returned to his team yesterday. He is expected to play against the Cincinnati Reds on Thursday.

On the other hand, Chan Ho Park of the Texas Rangers showed up at the Arlington Ballpark for warm-up. He had not been seen there since being put on the disabled list. One Texas official said, "We pored over the exam results. We did not find any injury requiring a long-term treatment."

Chang Jeon jeon@donga.com