Posted June. 02, 2003 21:20,
President Roh Moo-hyun Monday explained his position on the rising suspicion regarding the sale and development of the land in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province owned by former head of the president`s supporters` group Lee Ki-myoung. The president said, If there were found any wrongdoings committed by Lee Ki-myoung or Roh Gun-pyeong, his elder brother, they will be subject to legal punishments.
President Roh held a press conference with reporters from home and abroad at Chung Wa Dae just few days before marking his first 100 days in office which will come on June 4. At the press conference, the president expressed regret about a flurry of recent allegations regarding real estate transactions by his elder brother and his associates. He called on the opposition and the news media to stop raising "groundless suspicions." He pledged that his administration would investigate the suspicions and punish anybody found to be guilty of committing illegal acts. "But for their part, the opposition party and the media should not try to cast normal transactions in a suspicious light," he said.
President Roh emphasized at the conference, From now on, I will focus on stabilizing the national economy and exert utmost efforts to improve the livelihoods of ordinary citizens. In particular, I will bring under control skyrocketing real estate prices which pose a great difficulties to the livelihoods of ordinary citizens.
He also commented on the formation of a new political party led by reformists within the ruling Millennium Democratic Party and reiterated his poison that he would not interfere in the process. Although he reaffirmed his previous position on the issue in principle, he hinted his support for the need of creating a new political party to eliminate regionalism fueled by the MDP`s major support base relying on the Jolla Province. And he added that a new party should maintain the legitimacy as a ruling party.
He also mentioned on a series of the government`s policy flip-flops by saying, In the process of addressing accumulative social conflicts, the administration has made a series of mistakes, which president myself and my administration are ready to admit.
However, these mistakes are often found in a transition period when a new culture and practice demanded by the times take roots. Therefore, we should not give up our efforts to pursue these goals.
He also dismissed a speculation regarding a pending cabinet reshuffle by saying, It is inappropriate to replace the existing ministers who took their positions less than three months ago with new faces. A frequent government reshuffling does not necessarily guarantee a smooth operation of the administration. I will carry out government reshufflings in a cautious manner and help ministers take care of their jobs as long as possible to secure stabilization and consistency of state affairs.
Touching on the media issue, the president said, Although I am sometimes angry with what the media did on some sensitive issues, I will not respond those media reports in an offensive manner. I will follow principles in dealing with the media issue.
Meanwhile, the presidential policy planning office issued a press release under the title of Assessments on the `participatory government` first 100 days and major tasks to address. In the press release, it touched on a controversial database network, known as NEIS, stating that the government would establish an `education reform committee` of parents and representatives from teachers` unions under the direct leadership of the president to carry out education reform and address conflicts within the educational circle by narrowing differences among students, parents, teachers, and the educational authorities.
Also it said that if measures announced on May 25 to stabilize real estate prices were found not enough to address the issue, tougher follow-up measures would be taken, by adding, Within this year, 500,000 houses including 300,000 around the capital areas will be constructed and development plans for the Pangyo areas in Gyeonggi Province will be established by the end of this year, and the Paju and Kimpo areas by the end of next year.