Posted March. 22, 2003 22:35,
Parts of Public Service Business Program, which provides money and resources for low income unemployed, will be converted to ‘Social Jobs’ whereby 50,000 to 100,000 new jobs will be created.
On March 22, the Ministry of Labor announced plans by the Roh administration to extend employment for females, those middle aged and senior citizens in social service, environmental and cultural sectors. Hence 50,000 to 100,000 new jobs will be created.
In order to implement the new plan, the Ministry of Labor will look into new job opportunities and join other ministries such as Ministry of Health & Welfare, Ministry of Government Administration & Home Affairs, Ministry of Planning & Budget and other related offices to organize a joint committee. They will launch this plan will full backing by the administration.
Social jobs are public services where government is the employer. In this concept it is similar with the current Public Service Business. However like other jobs, long-tem employment is possible thus it is named differently.
The Ministry of Labor plans to prioritize nursing, childcare support, low income housing repair and such jobs which are effective and easily converted to the new plan.
The Public Service Business Program is an employment program which the government implemented to provide employment for low income unemployed for a certain period of time. Forestry maintenance and computerization of citizen records are main examples of the program.
The government put 1.444 trillion won in 1998; 2.5924 trillion won in 1999; 1.3207 trillion won in 2000; 0.675 trillion won in 2001; 0.5232 trillion won in 2002, altogether for a total budget of 6.1557 trillion won.
However the Program`s employment period is a mere three months, which showed minimum effect against overall unemployment. Skill leaning and job training were difficult and the program was accused of wasting government budget.
Meanwhile the Ministry of Labor made an announcement regarding President Roh`s public pledge to create 500,000 jobs annually. The Ministry says that if the economic growth rate is maintained over 5%, 300,000 to 400,000 jobs can be secured. The remaining 100,000 to 200,000 job quota can be made by growth of knowledge based industries such as IT, BT, etc.
However the Ministry adds that if the economy gets worse, the jobs will be supplemented from Social Overhead Capital (SOC) and short-term manual labor jobs.