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Drastic Changes of Major Prosecution Posts

Posted March. 11, 2003 22:25,   


The Justice Ministry appointed 38 prosecutors as heads of DA’s or High Public Prosecutors` Offices yesterday, leaving two posts unfilled. They will take office officially on March 13. Among the newly appointed are Kim Jong-bin and Seo Young-jae.

This time, those who passed the 16th or later bar exams filled major posts within the investigative body, breaking the tradition of seniority in promotion and sending a shocking wave through the prosecution. Thus, the 13th-15th bar examinees, who would have taken the posts based on seniority, were passed over.

Those promoted are Chung Hong-won from the head of Busan DA`s Office to that of head of the Legal Research and Training Institute, Chung Jin-gyu, head of the Incheon DA`s Office to head of the Seoul High Public Prosecutors` Office, Lim Nae-hyun from Chunjoo DA`s Office to the Daegu High Office, and Kim Sang-hee from Chejoo DA`s Office to the Daejun High Office. In addition, Chung Sang-myung will become Deputy Justice Minister, while Lee Bum-kwon will keep his former post as head of the Kwangju High Office. The ministry though, has not yet appointed anyone as head of the Busan High Office.

Until the National Assembly confirms the appointments, the new Attorney General-designate Song Kwong-soo, former head of the Daegu High Office, will work as a researcher at the Legal Research and Training Institute.

Ahn Dae-hee, associate head of the Busan High Office, will lead the Central Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors` Office, a post that is considered one of the four key posts within the investigative body. Out of the remaining three other than head of Seoul DA`s Office, two posts were filled by Lee Gee-bae and Hong Suk-cho.

Lee Chung-soo and Park Tae-chong will take charge of the Busan DA`s Office and Daegu DA`s Office, respectively.

Those senior prosecutors, who contributed to a tarnishing of the prosecution`s reputation through their involvement in torture and political scandals, were passed over for promotion or dispatched to posts of lower importance.

Likewise, the Justice Ministry and the Supreme Prosecutors` Office are to be filled with young prosecutors. For example, division chiefs of the ministry will be taken up by 18th or 19th bar examinees, while those of the Supreme Office by 17th bar examinees. Six DA`s offices will be headed by young prosecutors such as Yoo Sung-soo, Moon Young-ho, Chung Dong-gee, Park Sang-gil, Lee Chae-jin, and Ahn Young-wook.

The incumbent senior prosecutors turned in their resignations yesterday to the ministry. Another senior member, Kim Won-chi, is reportedly planning to resign, as well. Furthermore, there are still quite a number of senior prosecutors who are not accepting the legitimacy of the promotional decisions. Thus, it is likely that more and more people will resign in the near future. The Justice Ministry also plans to announce another promotional schedule for lower posts soon.

Jong-Dae Ha Wi-Yong Jung orionha@donga.com viyonz@donga.com