On the final day of college application, a great number of students flocked to colleges nationwide. While a majority of them chose safe bets, high-tier students applied for schools they want. Most of mid and low-tier students chose schools where competition is low.
In particular, competition was fierce for popular subjects, but science and engineering schools saw the number of applicants further falling amid low popularity.
Most colleges introduced for the first time this year an Internet application system, but access to the service was not easy due to heavy traffic and breakdown of servers.
▽Competition Rate Up Slightly, Most Take Safe Bets
7,683 applicants showed up at Seoul University, which recruits 3,022 students this year, as of 3 p.m. on December 13, pushing the competition rate to 2.54 vs. 1. With the college lowering the standard for school performance from the level 1 last year to the level 2, the rate will likely further rise up to the last minute to exceed last years 2.59 to 1.
Liberal arts school recorded a 2.69 to 1 competition rate, social science 2.23 to 1, law 2.7 to 1, business management 2.33 to 1, medical 3.71 to 1, pharmacy 2.07 to 1 and engineering 2.99 to 1. Competition was intense for popular subjects, but science and engineering drew fewer applicants than last year.
Korea University recruiting 2,544 students attracted 6.444 applicants at a rate of 2.52 to 1. Law school recorded a 3.9 to 1 rate, medical 2.81 to 1, international studies 3.92 to 1, athlete and sports education 5.32 to 1 and western art 4.6 to 1, compared to electric and electronic 1.75 to 1 and construction and environment 1.67 to 1.
Competition at Yonsei University was 2.83 vs. 1, with medical school coming at 2.88 to 1, dentistry 2.51 to 1, social science 2.27 to 1, engineering 3.03 to 1 and science 3.18 to 1.
While the overall trend is taking a safe bet, students with high scores pushed for their best choice, pushing the competition rate higher at such leading colleges as Korea, Yonsei and Pohang Tech. They appear to have in mind studying for another year if fail this time.
Mid and low-range students who got poorer-than-expected scores, however, were looking for schools where competition was relatively low, rushing to application booths at last minute. Hanyang University, which is in C group, recorded the highest rate at 44.7 to 1.
Now that the application process ended, total 194 four-year colleges nationwide will start to select students through essay and interview tests. The second phase will begin on Dec. 14 and continue through Feb. 5 next year.
▽ Complaints about Internet Service
164 colleges introduced an Internet application system for the first time this year, but convenience was in much part overshadowed by unstable service. A great number of students flocked to the two Internet service providers on Dec. 11 and 12, slowing down access speed and even paralyzing the service.
On the last day of application, however, there was no Internet-related delay with most schools closed online application a day earlier.
˝I found online service convenient since it allows applicants to complete the process in a few minutes and check competition real time,˝ said Lee Hye-joo, an 18-year-old high school senior. ˝The shortcoming is that the update is rather slow and I cannot sense the atmosphere there.˝
˝While I was entering my credit card number over the Internet for application, the server went down and I had to wait restlessly without knowing whether the payment was processed or not,˝ said 20-year-old Lee Jun-ho who applied for college admission second time.