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New Presidential Candidate from New Party

Posted July. 28, 2002 22:15,   


While some politicians are maneuvering for creation of a new political party after the Aug. 8th re- and by-elections, other groups of politicians are beginning to move for a merger of two political parties.

Han Hwa-kap, chairman of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), has already indicated he would make creation of a new party a public agenda after the re- and by-elections. Some moderates and fractions within the MDP are reportedly pushing hard for creating a new party via merger of the existing political parties.

A moderate MDP member confirmed on 28th, “We are contacting members of a couple of parties, and have found out a considerable volume of common grounds. Once we succeed in creating a new party via party-to-party merger, the new party is expected to produce its own presidential candidate.

He also added, “It is up to candidate Roh Moo-hyun whether or not he joins the new party and runs for the primary. But once a party is born, his status as the MDP’s candidate should be considered gone.”

Chairman Han still supports Roh. But his interest in creation of a giant party against the Grand National Party draws attention from all quarters.

A Congressman who leads the move said, “We are not in a hurry. In order to minimize the ripple effects caused by the primary, we just have to select a candidate by the end of August or early October.”

Candidate Roh expressed on 28th, “It’s meaningful and important to make attempts and efforts to refresh out Party. I consider them positive.” His remarks imply of the possible acceleration in that move after the August 8th elections. But Roh also hinted at creation of a new party under his own control, saying, “The most important thing is not just a change. It matters whether the change will be supported by the public. I will wait and see by the end of August. After that, I will do something for it myself.”

In the meanwhile, former Prime Minister Lee Han-dong indicated, in an interview with the MBN a cable TV company, that he would run for the presidential election in earnest in the near future, remarking, “Politics is not a practice. It’s a real game. No wonder we should move cautiously. But when the time comes, we have to move fast without any hesitation.”

Young-Chan Yoon yyc11@donga.com