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Former PM to Focus on Realizing His `Dream`

Posted July. 11, 2002 22:01,   


"I would like to realize my long-cherished dream."

Lee Han-dong, who returned to the political arena after two years as the nation`s prime minister, emphasized his `dream` in his farewell address. He declined to elaborate the dreams saying that it took time to explain the dream in detail.. But he has said, "A politician who lost his dream is not a politician. I have my own dream," indicating that he is willing to challenge presidency.

But it appears that Lee would keep a low profile since there would be a number of variables in the political sector including the Aug. 8 by- and reelections.

His future course of action might could be △joining the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP), △establishing a new party, and △returning to the United Liberal Democrats (ULD). But he does not seem to have a clear picture. But given that the relationship between Lee and the ULD, it is not likely that he would return to the fold.

It is more likely that Lee would join the MDP since Roh, MDP presidential candidate, has suggested pursuing renomination after the Aug. 8 by- and reelections. Or he might be more interested in joining forces with Chung Mong-jun and Park, Geun-hye to form new party. Lee, himself, said, "To do politics, you have to be a member of a political party."

Lee is reported to have revealed his future course of action when he met President Kim in a weekly meeting on the 8th.

A lawmaker of the MDP said, "If the former prime minister joined the MDP, party members, who have supported Rhee In-je, could turn to Lee. There is possibility that his joining the party could have a huge explosive power."

Young-Chan Yoon yyc11@donga.com