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NMDP, Some Candidates Are Considering Withdrawal

Posted March. 07, 2002 09:28,   


As the result of poll on the People`s Electoral College in advance of the competitions in Cheju (9th) and Wulsan (10th) is revealed, some candidates of NMDP are seriously considering withdrawal from the competition.

In addition, as the moves for the reformist candidate centered on the reformist lawmakers become actualized, restructuring of the political tectonics concerning the presidential candidacy is strongly anticipated.

Rep. Chun Jeong-Bae, representing Noh Mu-Hyun side, and Rep. Lim Jong-Seok, spokesperson of the Kim Keun-Tae side, Reps. Shin Gi-Nam and Lee Jong-Gul who are close to Chung Dong-Young, had an emergence meeting to discuss the unified candidacy of Noh Mu-Hyun-Han Hwa-Gap-Chung Dong-Young-Kim Keun-Tae.

They decided to urge the unification of the 4 runners “in order for the winning of a reformist candidate who keeps the democratic authenticity in the competition ”

They have reportedly reached a general consensus for the unified candidate through discussions with core members of each group. Rep. Shin Gi-Nam delivered the opinion of the reformist lawmakers to Chung Dong-Young in Cheju.

In relation, Rep. Kim Keun-Tae strongly hinted his withdrawal when the unification movement is actualized, saying “I did not make a decision yet. I am also reluctant to withdraw from the competition. But I am quite open to any possibility.”

Mr. Kim added, “Once I reach a final decision, I will discuss with other reformist candidates for future strategies.”

Another runners also said, “I have pressures from many groups. But I will reconsider of my future step after the competition in Cheju and Wulsan since the poll result may not reflect the public opinion correctly.”

Young-Chan Yoon yyc11@donga.com · Hyung-Kwon Pu bookum90@donga.com