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Legislation of Charge against `Rape between Wife and Husband` Postponed

Legislation of Charge against `Rape between Wife and Husband` Postponed

Posted December. 12, 2001 09:21,   


The Ministry of Gender Equality introduced ` General measures for eliminating domestic violence and sexual harassment` on 11th, and will prepare a final draft through the consultation with related Ministries. The measures included the shelter service for the children of the victims of domestic violence and the regulation to obligate the attendance of a reliable person at the investigation and trial.

The measures provide a legal basis for the operation of shelters and the medical care for children as well as the victims, which prevents the spread of domestic violence. So far, the domestic violence laws were applied to the spouse or relatives living together, but the revised law will be applied to the relatives who are not living in the same house as well. In addition, medical cares for the sexual harassment victims will be promoted by deleting the government right to request for the medical expenses of the victims

A reliable person is required to attend in the investigation and the trial for to protect the human rights and the properties of the victims.

The police should attach the counselor`s opinion to the case record, and the police and family helpers should make regular phone calls and visits to the family having frequent violence history.

Emergency medical support centers for the victims of domestic violence will be opened throughout the nation, and the medical bill and first aid kits (medical instruments) for sexual harassment will be provided.

In addition, journalists will be prohibited from leaking the private matters of the victims of sexual harassment. The obligation has been applied only to the related officials by now. But The Ministry of Gender Equality dropped its original plan to legislate the charge against `rape between wife and husband` but plans to consult with other ministries and to collect the public opinion on this issue.

Soh Young-A sya@donga.com