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Opposition Party “Will Negotiate over Disputed Bills“

Opposition Party “Will Negotiate over Disputed Bills“

Posted November. 23, 2001 09:18,   


Lee Jae-Oh, floor leader of the Grand National Party, said that "GNP will try its best to draw an agreement on other issues between the ruling and opposition parties." while they unilaterally voted for the extension of the teachers retirement age.

Rep. Lee said, "we will move for the revision of the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund Law not to disturb the current North Korean policies of the government and also try to reach an agreement on the revision of the Broadcast Law between the ruling and the opposition sides."

In terms of Health Insurance Budget Separation Bill, Lee said, "the ruling party might want to negotiate to maintain the separated budget for a while. In such case, we don`t have to create a new law to separate the health insurance budget." He emphasized, however, that "even though the opposition would not force the ruling side by numbers, we would never compromise on the matter of authoritative corruption cases. We will move for the extension of personnel hearing and will take a vote if necessary."

Jeong-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com