Posted July. 27, 2001 08:29,
The government is currently reviewing the bill that allows the national federation of government employee association within this year. The government employee has been only within each provincial branch or municipal organization so far. A government high-ranking official announced on 26th , `` The committee of the labor and management is currently discussing the issue on the national federation of government employee association and it seems to be possible within this year. Yet the national federation of government employee is different from other labor union since the federation is not endowed with the right of union and collective bargaining.``
With the announcement, the government official also expressed a negative feeling on this matter saying,`` The pre-condition for the national federation of government employee association is the public opinions, however, over 50 percent of people is against the government employee union.``
Meanwhile, the committee of labor and management will officially discuss the permission of the national federation of government employee association from 27th .
An officer of the Ministry of Municipal Administration said, ``It is the basic policy of the government to have this issue to be discussed in the committee of labor and management before the final decision.`` He also said, `` Members of the government employee association will participate in the sub committee of the committee of labor and management and will discuss the rights of the labor of government employees.``