Posted July. 19, 2001 08:13,
`Children and Textbook National Network 21` told yesterday that ``the 20 percent of Japan`s 543 municipal authorities (public school) chose the textbook. Not a single district will use the textbook written by `the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform` ``. The `Network 21` is the biggest group among the Japanese civic organizations who have set a movement opposing the new middle school history textbook written by `the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform`.
Yoshihumi, the secretary of the `Network 21`, told in the press conference that ``the intention of `the Society`s aim for the selection rate of 10 percent has missed the mark. We will make every effort to the end to alert at least the public schools not to choose the textbook of `the Society` ``.
And Secretary Dawara analyzed that ``the textbook of `the Society` was rejected because the neighboring countries such as Korea and China have strongly opposed it, and the conscientious citizens have actively cooperated to refute the textbook``.
`The Network 21` has given publicity the opinions to oppose the textbook of `the Society` in the Asahi, Yomiuri, Mainichi newspapers, and declared the plan to advertise their opinion in Donga Ilbo of Korea.
`The Network 21` told that 109 scholars, comprised of American, English, New Zealander, and Australian professors, announced the joint declaration saying that the textbook of `the Society` is not appropriate for the history textbook``.