Posted May. 17, 2001 08:27,
The China government officially requested a partial revision of new history textbook of Japan, in 16th.
China`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Nomoto Yoshii, Japanese diplomatic minister, to request the revision of the middle school history textbook written by a group of nationalist scholars who defend Japan`s occupation of Asian countries prior and during World War II, reported Xinhua News Agency of China. The Ministry delivered to the Japanese side a note, requesting the revision of 8 items such as beautification of Japanese militarism and colonial domination, and the concealment of massacre in Nanzing.
And China`s vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs summoned the Japanese ambassador Anami Koreshige, and expounded China`s solemn stand to the Japanese`s distortion of history textbook and the plane of Japanese Prime Minister`s visit to Yasukuni Shrine.
China criticized Japan`s attitude in a note stating that it has distorted the historical facts, and denied the war of aggression, rather than having reflected on the history of aggression, reported Xinhua News Agency.
History textbook written by a group of nationalist scholars still hold the basic tone of imperialism and keep denying the historical facts of aggression, in spite of revision of 137 events. Unless the Japanese government makes a correction, it will lead to a distorted formation of historical viewpoint of Japanese society and the young generation.