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Lee Sang-Hak, First Gold Medal

Posted May. 17, 2001 09:37,   


Lee Sang-Hak (36, Korea Telecom) won the first gold medal in the 2001 International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup in Seoul.

In Men`s 25m rapid fire pistol event, Lee passed the first round with 592 marks, added 100.1 marks in the finals, and became a gold medalist. He won by 2.2 marks over Sergei Alifirenko (689.9), Sydney Olympics goldmedalist.

Lee brought a goldmedal into Korea and became the first gold medalist in this event since Lee Jang-Soo in 1997 World Cup.

Lee said that ``I was anxious in the finals, but found a sense of confidence because I led greatly over the shooter in the second place.``

Meanwhile, in Men`s 50m Rifle 3 Positions, Park Bong-Duk marked 1259.4 point in total and earned a bronze medal. The Korean shooting team currently got one goldmedal, one silvermedal and three bronze medals.

Kim Jong-Seok kjs0123@donga.com