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Handing Over Correction Proposals for Japanese History Textbooks

Handing Over Correction Proposals for Japanese History Textbooks

Posted May. 07, 2001 10:26,   


The government will hand over an official proposal for the correction of Japanese history textbooks early this week. On May 7, in the Ministry and the Millennium Democratic Party consultation, the government will make a final decision on proposals for the correction of 30 controversial issues.

Foreign Affairs-Trade Minister Han Seung-soo is poised to summon Japanese Ambassador Terusuke Terada to his office early this week to hand over the proposal file.

The government will actively demand the correction of the Japanese history textbooks. It will point out that the omission of the issues, such as ‘military sexual slavery’, is another way of distorting history. On May 6, a government official said, "Since the file of proposals for the correction is a significant historical record, it will incorporate various opinions not only from the Congress but also from every field of the society as well as the Korean people’s rage." Meanwhile, at the interview with APF, Minister Han said, "Our people are enraged and the issue of Japanese history textbook discourages Korea-Japan relationship." He added, "Our government cannot but take action for the correction of the Japanese history textbooks and our action will depend on the Japanese government’s response."

Kim Young-Sik spear@donga.com