Posted April. 26, 2001 19:28,
Koreans will stage the third massive ``cyber demonstration`` Tuesday on May Day to protest the Japanese government`s approval of history textbooks that whitewash Japan`s wartime atrocities.
The demonstration will be carried out in the same way as the first and second ones, except that it will include all overseas Koreans this time.
Internet users have already posted letters of appeal on the home pages of major domestic organizations and overseas Korean societies calling for active participation in the third online rally.
As of Thursday, such letters have been posted on 174 home pages of societies of Korean residents in the United States as well as the pro-Seoul Federation of Korean Associations in the United States.
In addition, the letters recommended on-line protestors to write articles complementing the activities of progressive Japanese groups, such as the Japanese Teachers Union (, Children and Textbooks Japan Network 21 ( and the Asahi Shimbun ( on their internet home pages.