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[Contribution] Suicide web sites must be shut down

Posted December. 19, 2000 14:00,   


With the increase in the number of Internet sites related to suicide, a case of suicide by hired killer has shocked the nation.

The issue of suicide is complex, and a simple black-and-white demarcation does not exist. Suicide, which is among the top 10 causes of death around the world, is one of the most urgent matters in the field of psychology and has become a sensitive issue for the society to face.

While each individual suicide is considered a result of extreme imbalance in personal psychological stability, taken as a whole, it represents a socio-cultural disturbance. Although the causes are widely varied, many experts explain from the socio-psychological viewpoint. According to the experts, the greater cause of the suicides is society. It is the psycho-social isolation felt by the individual that leads to suicide.

The cause for the number of suicides steadily rising in Korea since 1960 following industrialization could be found sociologically, brought on by extreme modernization. The mechanization of human interaction, the increased specialization and the non-personal business mechanization have contributed to dehumanization. In addition, as the ideals of extreme competitiveness and materialism have found deep roots throughout society, many who fail to cope with the changes and values often see themselves as failures in life, leading them to thoughts of suicide.

Even so, the personal aspects of individual suicides cannot be ignored. There are those who are prone to depression and other mental illnesses leading to suicide. Everyone, at one time or another, might contemplate suicide when they are faced with great crises. At such times, many activate their willful controls to suppress the detrimental thoughts of suicide and direct their thoughts toward a more productive direction.

It is at such a juncture that the Internet suicide sites work their evil. Rather than coming in communicational contact with such persons entertaining thoughts in order to dissuade them, the Internet sites encourage and even glorify the act of suicide. Especially for the younger generation who are not yet psychologically mature, the Internet sites could become deadly.

Of those with dangerous thoughts of suicide, many have pessimistic personalities and highly subjective mental makeups. They largely fail to comprehend and accept objectivity. They misinterpret even the most meaningless and cling to their judgment. Acts of suicide easily could be glorified. Although such individuals¡¯ suicidal thoughts might be intermittent and temporary, their continued contact with the suicide sites could slowly bring them closer to the actual act of suicide.

The problem has worsened with the commercialization of the Internet sites, as Web surfers tend to seek out the latest and the hottest available on the Net. In Japan, where the suicide rate is one of the highest in the world, a book detailing the ways to commit suicide became a hot seller about 10 years ago, and recently, a great number of suicide sites have cropped up on the Net.

Many Internet addicts generally show signs of hazy blurring of the distinction between reality and cyber-reality. Those who have become familiar with suicide and the methods have greater likelihood of carrying them out.

The recent suicide case that shocked us all forces us to open our minds and recognize the social and inter-personal elements of our society that promote suicide, and to offer support and care by various organizations to prevent them.

In particular, the Internet sites that could incite suicidal thoughts need to be closed down immediately, as the sincere reflection and discussion gets underway.

Oh Kang-Seob, Professor of psychology, school of medicine, Sungkyunkwan University