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Typhoon Saomai to land tomorrow morning

Posted September. 15, 2000 22:29,   


Typhoon Saomai is moving towards northeast from the southwest sea of Jeju and will land around the Honam area tomorrow morning. Consequently, severe rain damages are expected. The whole nation will be under the direct influence of the typhoon from today and heavy winds and rain are expected to climax on September 16.

An official of the meteorological administration asserted that the typhoon will most probably sweep trough the Korean peninsula, and completely disappear only from the afternoon of the September 17. Consequently, the official warned that the Honam and the South Sea areas will be greatly hit by the typhoon and the middle region will see a lot of rain clouds. The official further asserted that heavy rain and strong wind will most likely bring sever casualties all around the nation.

The radius of typhoon Saomai has reduced to a middleweight level but the force is still around 965hPa in the center with speed of 36km/s. The trough of low atmospheric pressure around the Korean peninsula has paved a way for the typhoon to move faster towards north.

Choi Sung-Jin choi@donga.com