뉴스 트렌드 생활정보 International edition 매체


입력 | 2007-11-13 03:00:00


1 A bird that makes holes in trees with its long narrow beak

3 A building where collections of art, science or objects important to history can be seen

9 A building or place where people can worship

12 A place that has a large collection of ocean life for people to see

13 A store where people can buy medicine

15 A black and white animal that eats bamboo

16 A large reptile that lives in a swamp with thick, tough skin and very sharp teeth

18 An animal from Africa and Asia that looks like a dog, makes a sound like laughter, and eats dead animals

20 A small animal that has spines that stick out of its fur and rolls into a ball

22 A special school for very young children

23 A large ocean mammal with a long nose that is friendly and intelligent


2 An animal with a long neck and one or two humps on its back

4 A place of higher education for students who have finished high school

5 A building with many rooms for people to live in

6 A small rodent with a long bushy tail that can climb trees quickly

7 A type of large, wild cat with short yellow fur and gray or black spots

8 A place where meals are prepared and sold to the public

10 A large brightly colored bird with long blue-green tail feathers that sometimes spreads out and up

11 A building where government officials from foreign countries work

14 A large gray animal with one or two horns on its nose

17 A building where bread, pastries, and cakes are baked, or the shop where they are sold

18 A place where people go to get medical treatment

19 A very slow animal that lives in the trees of Central and South America

21 A place where plays, movies, or concerts are presented

경품 도전해 보세요 신나는 크로스워드 퍼즐의 정답을 맞힌 응모자 중 5명을 뽑아 MP3플레이어를 드립니다. 정답은 다음 주에 게재하며 응모 방법과 당첨자 발표는 ECC 홈페이지(www.ybmecc.com)에서 안내합니다.

◇본보 6일자 C3면 ‘신나는 크로스워드 퍼즐’과 10월 30일자 퍼즐의 정답이 제작상의 실수로 이전 것이 잘못 게재됐습니다. 독자 여러분께 혼란을 드린 점 사과드립니다.