뉴스 트렌드 생활정보 International edition 매체

[理知논술/특목고 구술면접 대비]영어지문 제시형 구술면접

입력 | 2006-05-23 03:00:00

■ 영어지문 제시형 구술면접

영어 지문 제시형 문제는 독해력이 중요하다. 지문의 주제는 프로이트의 정신분석학, 언어적 비언어적 행동, 광고 기법, 유전공학, 환경학, 녹색혁명 등 시사적이고 범교과서적인 내용이 많았다. 4개 외국어고에서 공동 출제됐던 프로이트의 정신분석학의 의식과 무의식에 대한 내용은 배경 지식이 있는 학생이 유리한 문제다(1번). 지문을 제시하고, 상세 정보와 내용 추론을 동시에 묻는 문제로 난이도 높은 문제 유형이라 할 수 있다(2∼3번). 지문을 제시하고, 글의 요지를 파악하는 문제도 자주 출제되는 유형이다(4∼5번). 영어 실력을 바탕으로 논리력, 추론력, 사고력을 발휘해야 하는 문제가 많이 출제된다.

1. Listed below are a figure and brief descriptions of terms psychologists use when referring to aspects of the personality.

Sigmund Freud compared the human mind to an iceberg. The tip above the water repre-sents consciousness, and the vast region below the surface symbolizes the unconscious mind. Of Freud's three basic personality structures--id, ego, superego--only the id is totally unconscious.

(1) The id is the unconscious part of the personality whose impulses push for pleasure even if what is desired is not realistic or morally acceptable. The id is dominated by the pleasure principle, through which the individual is pressed for immediate satisfaction of his or her desires.

(2) The ego is the arbitrator between the conflicting id and superego. Part of the ego's job is to choose the kinds of action that will satisfy id impulses without having undesirable consequences. Ego deals with reality. The ego learns to modify behavior by controlling those impulses that are socially unacceptable. Its role is that of mediator between unconscious impulses and acquired social and personal standards.

(3) The superego is the storehouse of an individual's values, including moral attitudes implanted by society. The term designates the element of the mind that automatically constrains those instinctual impulses of the id that tend to produce antisocial actions and thoughts. The superego includes the positive ego, or conscious self-image, or ego ideal, that each individual develops.

Which of the following personality factors took control of the decision-making process described below?

① id ② ego ③ ego ideal ④ superego ⑤ unconscious mind

2. 다음 제시문을 읽고, 질문에 답하시오.

What is the author's purpose? Authors write for different reasons. They can give you information, persuade you to think a certain way, entertain you, or explain something to you.

An author might write about an incident from the past mainly to inform us about the way people lived during a period of time, such as World War II. If this appears to be the case, think about what you are learning from the material.

Another author might amuse or entertain the reader with funny details about an incident. The author might write a humorous story. Question whether or not the author is succeeding in entertaining the reader.

Sometimes a writer might justify his or her behavior regarding an incident. This is to explain why something occurred. The author does not try to persuade the reader. The author is simply telling why something occurred.

Another author may express an opinion on a subject and write in a style that persuades the reader to view things as the author does. The writer may be trying to get the reader to purchase merchandise. Analyze the argument. Question whether or nor you agree with it. A political speech is another example of a writer's effort to persuade a reader.

(1) 위 제시문을 읽고, 작가가 글을 쓰는 네 가지의 주요한 이유가 무엇인지 설명하시오. (to 부정사의 형태로 표기할 것.)

(2) 는 네 가지의 author's purpose 중 어느 것에 해당하는지 말해 보시오.