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China to shift foreign policy stance to `protection of interests`

China to shift foreign policy stance to `protection of interests`

Posted November. 23, 2012 23:05,   


China has apparently clarified a plan to gradually shift the focus of its foreign policy from “peace” to “protection of interests.”

The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, on Friday said in an Op-Ed piece, "China’s stance of maintaining peaceful development (in foreign policy) does not mean it gives up its right to protect national interests.”

Titled “Which Direction Will China`s New Leadership Take in Foreign Policy,” the piece also said, "At the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we announced that we will protect national sovereignty, safety and developmental interest and will never surrender to any external pressure."

The editorial tone of the government-run daily reflects the intentions of the new Chinese leadership. The Op-Ed piece is seen as clarification of Beijing’s stance that the foreign policy direction of the Xi Jinping government is to inherit outgoing President Hu Jintao’s “peace and development principle” in general, but that it will not hesitate to use a strategy of proactive action to achieve this.

Since this is interpreted as China`s willingness to risk conflict with the U.S. as well as neighboring countries, the new doctrine could develop into a trigger that could lead to political instability in Asia going forward.
