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Defense Ministry to Ease Land Use Rules

Posted January. 14, 2006 03:00,   


The Defense Ministry has decided to lift or ease restrictions on military facility reservation zones covering 71.46 million pyeong in 139 areas across the nation starting March 1, in order to protect the property rights of people in accordance with the recent changes in the military operations environment.

The Ministry announced on January 13 that 108 areas across the nation covering 65.23 million pyeong, an area 73 times bigger than Yeouido, Seoul, will be removed from its list of military reservation zones.

It is the largest land deregulation effort since 1995.

In the areas where the restrictions will be lifted, the local government head will be able to permit people to build or expand buildings, or dispose of them without a prior consultation with local military authorities.

Moreover, the restricted areas, currently closed to civilian construction, will be open to new construction after consultations with the local military authorities.

Sang-Ho Yun ysh1005@donga.com